There was once a research study that wanted to know how susceptible people were to various random pickup attempts where there had been no prior introductions. In the study, 5 males and 5 females rated fromslightly unattractive to moderately attractive (it was found that the attractiveness level in this study did not have an effect on outcomes interestingly enough), ran around campus and said one of three randomly selected sentences to random members of the opposite sex.
The first sentence was always, “I have been noticing you around campus. I find you to be very attractive.” This was followed by one of three questions. “Would you go out with me tonight,” “Would you come over to my apartment tonight,” and the fan-favorite “Will you go to bed with me tonight?”
For our amusement, the number of slaps was not recorded. But the researchers did record the number of yesses and nos. As you would expect, this last approach was not very successful… for men.
For women, it was almost comical how receptive their male subjects were to “will you go to bed with me tonight.”
The men didn’t fare quite as well with that line.
Here's an except of some of the responses:
The first sentence was always, “I have been noticing you around campus. I find you to be very attractive.” This was followed by one of three questions. “Would you go out with me tonight,” “Would you come over to my apartment tonight,” and the fan-favorite “Will you go to bed with me tonight?”
For our amusement, the number of slaps was not recorded. But the researchers did record the number of yesses and nos. As you would expect, this last approach was not very successful… for men.
For women, it was almost comical how receptive their male subjects were to “will you go to bed with me tonight.”
The men didn’t fare quite as well with that line.
Here's an except of some of the responses:
Fortunately for us dudes, another research study was hatched that wanted to uncover what was the most effective way for us to approach members of the opposite sex. The answer? Simply walk up to them and say one simple thing: “Hi.”
That’s it! No black magic, no horse and pony show, no creativeness required. A simple “hi” is your best chance. Wonderful isn’t it? So go get’em tigers!
For women, sad to say, but your best chance at success (at a greater than 90% rate) is to say “will you go to bed with me tonight?” Obviously I must now offer a disclaimer: Don’t do that! Hopefully you already know not to do thisJ
Here’s a link to one of the studies if you are interested.
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That’s it! No black magic, no horse and pony show, no creativeness required. A simple “hi” is your best chance. Wonderful isn’t it? So go get’em tigers!
For women, sad to say, but your best chance at success (at a greater than 90% rate) is to say “will you go to bed with me tonight?” Obviously I must now offer a disclaimer: Don’t do that! Hopefully you already know not to do thisJ
Here’s a link to one of the studies if you are interested.
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Chase Chick MPA LPC is CEO and co-founder of Beyond the Gray Sky, whose brands include Pursuit of Happiness, Dallas Psychology Review, and Luxe Media Productions.